Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day Four: Annie
(Just to warn you, if you're thinking about reading a cheerful post about Annie, you thought wrong.)

So today is highlighting a musical that I think is overrated, which I think is Annie. I used to think it was the greatest musical ever, until I realized that it was everywhere, and that wasn't okay.

Annie is about this orphan who hopes that her parents will come find her and get her from the orphanage again. She ends up finding a male dog and names it Sandy, then is adopted for a week by this really mean billionaire named Mr. Warbucks, who originally wanted a boy. In just a week, the Warbucks mansion grows accustomed to her and Warbucks is considering adopting her for real.
Meanwhile, the orphanage owner, Miss Hannigan, who absolutely hates children, and her life, has a surprise visit from her brother, who is only known by the name Rooster, who brings his girlfriend, Lily St. Regis, who was named after a hotel. Hannigan has known all along that Annie's parents won't come for her, because they died when Annie was only a baby. Rooster and Lily develop this scheme to tricking Annie and Warbucks that those two are Annie's parents, especially after discovering that there's a $50,000 reward for the parents.
They come and try to convince Warbucks that they are Annie's parents. While Annie spends one final night, the President of the U.S., who she somehow befriends, discover that her real parents had died, so as soon as Rooster and Lily come to bring Annie with them, Rooster, Lily and Hannigan get arrested and Annie is officially adopted by Warbucks.

God, how I despise this musical. It's been overdone so many times, I've gotten sick of it. Plus, the story line isn't that great in general. I mean, think about it. The show starts off at the girl already in the orphanage. Her parents didn't want her, so why did she have this delusion that they would come get her? It's sad.

What billionaire adopts a child for only a week? That is just selfish and you can tell he only did it to improve his image. 

HER VOICE. It bothers me so much. It doesn't matter who is singing it, I always think the song "Tomorrow" sounds very whiny and it absolutely aggravates me. And then everyone starts singing along with her, trying to stay cheerful during the Great Depression. No, life doesn't happen that way, especially during that time period! You grin it and bear it and don't sing what good can happen because karma happens! (I don't mean to sound very cynical here.)

The only good part about the show is Miss Hannigan. I find her funny and original and I love the song "Little Girls." In a way, I feel sorry for her and I can connect to her because her grumpy attitude is what I see all of the time. Carol Bunnett and Kathy Bates are my absolute favorites for singing that song.

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