Friday, February 1, 2013

Howdy all! I'm dreadfully sorry I haven't been around to post in around a month(?);  I've been dealing with a lot of theatre turmoil, which I'll talk about.

So, in the past month my school did the production of RENT and we killed it! For our final night, we oversold (and by that, I mean we had to add rows of chairs in front of the audience because we didn't have enough room)!

Now here comes the depressing part, which will lead to today's topic. So yesterday, I auditioned for Phantom of the Opera, and ever since I was a little girl, I had always imagined playing Madame Giry. I love her character, she's so bad-ass! She doesn't have to say anything to get people to quiet down. I've always admired her.

Anyway, my audtioners and I discovered the cast list later that night. I was cast in ensemble and my best friend, pessimistic that the theatre group has been pre-casting all of their productions, was cast as a lead. To be specific, Madame Giry. It crushed me.

(I know, I sound like I should be on Jerry Springer with the subtitle "My Best Friend Took My Dream Role.") This morning, I couldn't talk to her without starting to cry. I guess I'm so frustrated and disappointed in myself. The past shows I've been in (the majority of my theatre career), I've been cast in ensemble. I didn't mind when I was younger because I was inexperienced, but as I got older, I felt the harder I tried, I would end up upset and reverting to what I'm currently doing now, eating my feelings away. 

At this point, you're wondering, "What the hell is this post?" and you're about to click off, but don't yet, because I have something that will help you!

What To Do When You Lost The Part You Wanted 

(This can be true for not getting the job, not asking a guy/girl out, your partner broke up/divorced you, etc., just change the guidelines a little bit!)

  1. Cry. You are not making yourself feel better by keeping it all inside. In fact, you're purposely putting yourself in a bad and upset mood. Let it all out! (As for me, I'm saving my crying for the shower tonight.) Your body releases hormones that make you feel better after you cry. 
  2. Talk To Someone. Let it be known, but not as shouting and throwing a temper tantrum. Just talk to a friend or parent or someone you really trust and calmly tell them (or cry, if you're still upset). They'll understand.
  3. Congratulate The Person. Even if it kills you on the inside, it's still the proper thing to do and it shows you are the bigger person. (Whatever you do, please do not destroy any of their property. This includes, but not limited to; houses, cars, electronic devices, clothing, etc. You'll feel embarrassed about it afterwards.)
  4. Give Yourself Time To Heal. This will not pass easily, especially if you really wanted the part (or job, etc.). The human heart is used to repairing itself. Do some other activities that you didn't have the time for before!
  5. Be Optimistic. Even when you think you shouldn't be and you have every right to loathe, think ahead. Life does get better! You'll have the opportunity to audition for more parts and you will have your time to shine in the part you'll rightfully earn one day!
  6. Smile. It'll make you feel better, even if you're in no mood to smile. Studies have shown that the action of smiling helps people feel better. (I don't know where, but I believe it).
Hope this helps!

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